Academic Team
Academic Team Overview
Ms. Sole, an elementary teacher, started the Academic Team when her oldest son was in school. He wanted to join the team, but because there was no coach at the time, he was unable to join. Naturally, Ms. Sole steppep up to the plate. In fact, this is her fourth year coaching.
The team's goal is having fun and learning about teamwork!
Who can join?
The Math Bowl and Spell Bowl are open to fourth and fifth grade students.
What can new members expect?
The Spell Bowl competition occurs in the fall and the Math Bowl competition occurs in the Spring. We typically have around 12 team members. Both competitions are scored on a team basis rather than a "Spelling Bee" format. TCSC has hosted Spell Bowl in years past, and the team gets to travel for the competitions hosted elsewhere.
"New members can also expect lots of silliness and snacks (and spelling and math, of course)," Ms. Sole notes.