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Sports can have an incredible impact on students' lives. They give students of different backgrounds and skill sets the unique opportunity to come together and do something incredible. All of our students' athletic achievements can undoubtedly be traced back to the countless hours and effort they've put in to become greater than they ever thought possible.

At the heart of sports, it's all about the game, the team, the competition--the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Friendships are forged in the fire of sweat and hard work, some of which can last a lifetime. 

It is our pleasure to offer so many different athletics opportunities to our students, and we hope that every student who wants to participate will take the chance and join: you never really know what you are capable of until you truly give something your best effort.

Joining a sport offers the chance to learn many lifelong skills, including how to function in a team, how to learn new skills, and how to persevere through challenges. These skills are necessary both in sports and in life.

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Contact Athletics

THS Athletics Director: Kory Fernung

TMS Athletics Coordinator & THS Athletics Assistant: Alec Weddell

Did you know?

Our athletics trainer, Burke Emmert, is provided by Franciscan Health. 

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