School Board Information
All meetings are held at the Administrative Office at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise specified.
The Board holds business meetings at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month, usually in the Board Room at the administrative office, 1051 S. Main Street, Tipton. Special meetings are scheduled as required. In accordance with the Indiana Code IC 5-14-1.5 Public Meetings (Open Door Law), closed meetings are held only for consideration of certain student, personnel, property, and legal matters.
Agendas for Board meetings are available about one week in advance of the meetings. Minutes may be viewed at the TCSC website. For printed copies, call 765-675-2147.
Presenting Views
Tipton County residents who want to present their views to the School Board may submit them in writing to the Superintendent, 1051 S. Main Street, Tipton, IN 46072 or by e-mail by clicking here.
Addressing the Board
Time is reserved at each regular meeting for public testimony on matters that are on the agenda for new business or action or that have been introduced for new business at a previous meeting and have not yet been acted upon. During the period reserved for comments, the School Board will not hear statements involving cases under litigation, issues that have been scheduled for a public hearing, or complaints regarding individual employees or students.