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District News


Things are always happening around our district! In addition to general district events, Dr. Glaze also pens his own announcements in the Friday Message.

The Friday Message encompasses stories and events from TCSC that may not otherwise be common knowledge--like athletes who had exceptional performances, staff members who achieved noteworthy things, or just general things that happened around the campus. These things are incredible and worthy of note, so Dr. Glaze takes the time to discuss them in the Friday Message.

If you'd rather see news related to a specific school, visit their building page (TES page, TMS page, and THS page, respectively).

District News from 2024

I am pleased to share that the Tipton School Board of Trustees approved the district’s new, three-year (2024-2027) strategic plan...
  • communication
  • food services
  • homecoming
  • plan
  • student achievement
We wanted to take this opportunity to highlight the crucial role attendance plays in a student’s growth...
  • attendance
  • spotlight