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Welcome to Tipton!

Welcome image showing band, cheer, cross country, and ffa students
Elementary school graphic

Middle school graphic

high school graphic

student playing in gym class

The place to grow.

You are wise.

two photos: one of grade 4 students dressed up and one of a high school student helping an elementary student complete work

You are curious.

two photos--both of elementary students working with plants in the middle school

You are collaborative.

two photos: one of ffa members teaching in a kg class, and one of students working in computers/stem class

You are determined.

two photos: one of a 2nd grader completing work, and one of a group of 3rd grade students presenting a project

You are strong.

two photos: one of young students learning to swim, and one of k-5 girls at basketball camp

You are spirited.

two photos: one of 2nd graders dressed as Dalmatians, and one of kg students dressed as turkeys
middle school cheerleaders strike a pose

The place to advance.

You are creative.

two photos: one of art pieces on a desk, and one of two students looking at a paper on a window

You are skilled.

two photos: one of kids doing robotics, and one of a group of students reading

You are extraordinary.

two photos: one of two students reading outside, and one of a student reading a large chart document

You are brilliant.

two photos: one of students playing a game in the gym, and one of a class studying

You are adventurous.

two photos: one of students eating a fancy dinner, and one of students 'camping' in the board room

You are worthy.

two photos: one of students preparing valentine treats, and one of a pair of students plunging their hands into icy water
two high school students work on a car

The place to excel.

You are helpful.

two photos: one of ffa members standing near a parking sign, and one high school student teaching prek kids in the greenhouse

You are determined.

two photos: one of a few marching band students, and one of a cheerleader cheering

You are inspirational.

two photos: one of the Young Originals performing, and one of an flower art sculpture

You are invincible.

two photos: one of a football player on the field, and one of the girls' basketball team in a huddle

You are supportive.

two photos: one of the pep band, and one of the Blue Crew

You are clever.

two photos: one of students looking into microscopes, and one of a student showing off a basketball he welded
banner with the words 'the place you belong'
collage of images featuring students doing various activities and sports

No Limits

Your future--and potential--are absolutely unlimited.

Your future is limitless, and we're committed to helping you achieve all your goals--whether they be athletic, academic, or artistic. The future is now. 

Define yourself. Grow yourself. Become your best self!

You're in good hands.

Your future is something we take seriously--very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that we expect only the best for you. In light of that, we offer:

  • 14:1 student to teacher ratio ensures your education is personalized
  • Our teachers have 15 years of teaching experience on average
  • Over 40% of our staff have a Bachelor's Degree
  • Nearly 60% of our teachers have a Master's Degree
  • Comprehensive reading and high ability program
  • 97% graduation rate


Big enough to have opportunities, but small enough to be personal.

banner with the words 'why tipton?'

Your Future Starts Here

You're unique--and the school you attend should be, too. That's why TCSC has something for everyone: whether you're into gaming, welding, arranging boquets, studying plant stems under microscopes, playing basketball with the best, performing in an award-winning band or choir, or something else entirely, there's a place for you here. In addition to the typical school amenities you'd expect, we have a few extras that you may enjoy:

banner with the words 'become a blue devil'

Transfer Information

It's the perfect time to become a Blue Devil. Tipton Community School Corporation is pleased to announce that we are accepting transfers! We welcome both new and returning students.

Fill out this form to get started. If you have any questions, please call 765-675-2147.


transfer now graphic with logo