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Find Your PowerSchool


PowerSchool is our district's SIS (Student Information System). All staff members, students, and families have access to PowerSchool. 

PowerSchool's Student portal allows students to check their grades, check class information, and view missing assignments. They have options of looking at their locker information or transportation information. 

PowerSchool's Parent portal allows parents and guardians to view much of this same information. Parents have some added abilities, including options to fill out forms and request information.

PowerSchool Teacher accounts have access to submitting upcoming assignments, adding grades, and marking incomplete or missing assignments. Teachers can also mark students as present, tardy, or absent. Teachers can assign seating charts and view information about their class at a glance. Note that teachers only have access to their individual classes.

PowerSchool Admin is for non-teacher staff members. Administrators have access to different areas of PowerSchool and can view students from entire buildings, depending on their PowerSchool privileges.

PowerSchool problems?

Laurie Crawford is our PowerSchool Coordinator. If you are experiencing technical issues, please call (765) 675-2147, ext. 324. Alternatively, you can email her.