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Welcome to TCSC!

We want to welcome both returning and new parents to our district! It's an exciting time to be a Blue Devil. With ease of use in mind, we wanted to create a space specifically for parents that may ease the process and transition to our district. Here, you'll find general information about Tipton Schools and what resources we provide students and parents, as well as how to access them.



In 2021, TCSC adopted PowerSchool as the district's SIS (Student Information System). PowerSchool allows both students and parents to log in and review the student's information. Families can look over grades and attendance, forms, and more; they also have options to view locker information, download a transcript, and view bus information.


TCSC uses the E-Funds service for guardians to pay fees--including textbook, athletics, technology, and lunch fees. This service allows parents to fund a child's lunch account. 

After Enrolling

I've enrolled my student. What now?

After you've enrolled your student, the office in the respective building (elementary, middle, and/or high) will add your student's information to PowerSchool. Once this is completed, our Technology Department will prepare a device for your child to use while they are enrolled at TCSC. 

As the parent or guardian of the student, you'll be granted access a parental PowerSchool account for your student. After you sign in, be sure to complete all the forms listed in the Forms section. Note that this section has several tabs, so look under each tab to ensure you don't miss a needed form.