Visitor Information
Information for Visitors
Parents are encouraged to be active participants in their child’s school community. All visitors, including parents and community members, must provide a photo ID before entering the school building and report directly to the main office. The office staff will scan the photo ID into the Raptor system (basic criminal check) and will produce a name badge and lanyard to be worn while in the building. As visitors leave the building, they will check out with the office and return the name badge and lanyard.
School administration reserves the right to deny access based on certain circumstances such as lockdowns and other safety concerns. In order to ensure school safety, using the guidelines below, TCSC requires background checks for visitors and volunteers. Background checks need to be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event.
New or Expired Background Checks
If you are interested in joining our corporation as a visitor/volunteer or re-applying after an expired background check, please submit a new application.
All TCSC volunteers and visitors who will have direct contact with students will be required to have a current, comprehensive background check on file. This includes parents participating in field trips, volunteering in the classroom, attending classroom parties, or anytime there is an interaction with students other than their own.