Communicable Diseases
Communicable Diseases Overview
The health of children is the foundation for success in education. Schools can play a major role in helping to reduce or prevent the incidence of illness among children and adults in our community. Encouraging good hand hygiene, following cleaning recommendations, and adhering to the immunization requirements contribute to a safe and healthy learning environment.
A "communicable disease" is an illness caused by an infectious agent that can be transmitted from one person to another.
Communicable disease prevention is important to decrease school absenteeism, and to maintain the health of the school population. Many illnesses do not require exclusion. However, children may be excluded if the illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in the school setting or if there is a risk of spread of harmful disease to others.
Per school policy, in order to protect the health and safety of the students, corporation personnel, and the community at large, the Board shall follow all State statutes, Executive Orders, and Health Department regulations which pertain to immunization and other means for controlling casual-contact communicable disease spread through normal interaction in the school setting.
If a student exhibits symptoms of a casual contact communicable disease, the principal will isolate the student in the building and contact the parents/guardians. Protocols established by the State and County Health Department shall be followed. Children and school personnel diagnosed with certain communicable diseases may have to be excluded for a certain period of time.
Remember: Hand washing is the single most important way to reduce the spread of infectious diseases in the school setting.
Quick Links
Communicable Diseases Reference Guide for School Personnel
Link to the Communicable Diseases Reference Guide for School Personnel website.
Indiana State Department of Quick Health Facts
Link to the Indiana State Department of Quick Health Facts website.