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Tipton Virtual Academy Plus

Grades 6-12 Indiana Online/Edmentum

  • Indiana Online for all core content classes, which includes English, Math, Science, and Social Studies taught by a certified teacher
  • Elective Classes through Edmentum
  • Students must participate in a minimum of 7 classes per semester and remain on track for a Core 40 Diploma
  • Report Cards issued through Tipton High School
  • TCSC Transcript/TCSC Diploma
  • Must Participate in all state-mandated assessments including, but not limited to, ILEARN Biology, PSAT, and SAT
  • Check-ins with Digital Learning Coordinator (TMS Assistant Principal)
  • May participate in afterschool activities and clubs, but is expected to abide by TCSC Athletic Eligibility Requirements, Athletics Code of Conduct and Board Policy 2430 - Corporation-Sponsored Clubs And Activities


Digital Learning Coordinator

Paula McCord