Tipton Virtual Academy
Grades K-5 Using EdOptions
- Daily interaction with an EdOptions teacher
- Grade-level appropriate material in all core subject areas, including specials
- Consistent feedback from EdOptions teacher
- Report card issued from Tipton Elementary School (TES)
- Must participate in all state-mandated assessments including, but not limited to, IREAD-3, ILEARN, and, the TES benchmark assessment, i-Ready.
Grades 6-12 Using Edmentum
- Self-paced lessons in all subject areas (minimum of 8 weeks per subject)
- Check-ins with Digital Learning Coordinator (TMS Assistant Principal)
- Report card issued from Tipton High School (THS)
- TCSC Transcript/TCSC Diploma
- Must participate in all state-mandated assessments including, but not limited to, ILEARN, PSAT, and SAT
- Not permitted to participate in afterschool activities or clubs
Digital Learning Coordinator