Agriculture-related Class Options
The Tipton Agricultural Education program currently has two agricultural teachers that teach a variety of agriculture-focused classes.
Classes being taught this year are:
- 2 sections of Food Science
- 2 sections of Advanced Life Science: Animals
- 1 section of Horticulture
- 2 sections of Principles of Agriculture
- 1 section of Agribusiness Management
- 2 sections of Ag Power, Structures, and Technology I
- 2 sections of Ag Power, Structures, and Technology II
- 1 section of yearlong 7/8th Agriculture Leadership
- 2 daily sections of 8th Grade Introduction to AFNR Rotation (all 8th grade students)
- 2 sections of summer Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)
Classes are offered on a rotating basis in order to help students complete their graduation pathways, so next year (2022-2023), THS and TMS students will see different courses being offered based on staff availability and student needs. Tipton is fortunate to have the resources and funding to offer four graduation pathways just in the agriculture department alone!
Class Structure
When thinking about some highlights of what happens in our classroom, we are proud that our curriculum is hands-on. Student learning does not need to be “sit and get,” and we strive to keep students engaged by providing real-world experiences in the classroom.
From September to March, we have had guest speakers from First Farmers, Real Colors 4 H Extension, CoAlliance, Tipton Soil and Water Conservation, High Performance Alloys, Manier Welding and Fabrication, Beck’s Hybrids, Farmers Mutual, DOZ, Nixon Farming, and the Indiana FFA Association. Additionally, a guest from Zachary Chocolates is in the works!
Agribusiness students took a field trip to Reynolds Farm Equipment, and students in the ALS Animals course got to dissect chicken wings and beef hearts (donated by Maggie Moo’s Custom Meats).
Agricultural Power students have become proficient in SMAW welding, oxy-fuel cutting, and GMAW welding processes. This was made possible by the new welding booths, ventilation, and repaired equipment in the welding shop.
Food Science students have explored the role of ingredients within food through a variety of lab activities.
Horticulture students have propagated numerous plants through various methods, including Holiday Cactus, Spider plants, Jade, African Violet, and Snake Plants.
Middle school students have explored the vast industry of agriculture through hands-on labs dealing with food science, animal production, plant propagation, and soil science.
The Ag leadership class has developed their leadership, communication and teamwork skills through class activities, including caring for the tower gardens and partnering with an elementary class for a holiday activity. To date, over 165 gallon bags of greens have been donated this school year.
Information about the FFA
The National FFA Organization is an intracurricular organization, meaning that students who are enrolled in an agriculture course during the school year or summer SAE are eligible for membership. The goal of the Tipton FFA is to enhance and apply the learning that takes place in the classroom to life outside of the classroom. This is done through career development events, leadership development events, leadership positions and committees, conventions, conferences, community service events, etc. For more information, click here to visit the FFA Club page.