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TMS Honors

About TMS Honors

Placement with HA identification:

  • Students identified as high ability in either math and/or reading will automatically be placed in the corresponding honors course(s) in middle school.

Placement without HA Identification:

  • In our effort to be more responsive to meeting students' needs, TCSC will offer placement assessments to serve as an additional data point for students who did not qualify for High Ability services. These placement assessments would be given to students who:
    • Are not already identified for High Ability services in the specific subject
    • Meet the following qualifications:
      • Request from student, family, or staff
      • Achieve at or above grade level in Spring i-Ready diagnostic for the specific subject

Here are some example situations where this would be conducted:

  • A student in 5th grade misses the HA identification (85th percentile in i-Ready for math or 82nd percentile in verbal on CogAT), but the family/staff believe this student could still be successful in a 6th grade honors math class.
  • A 6th grade student struggled in elementary but is now very successful in their ELA class and has an above grade level i-Ready score in reading.
  • A 7th grade math student has accelerated past grade level in his math MyPath and is testing at an Algebra level.

In each of these situations, there is additional evidence to support a placement test (not simply because they want to test). This placement test would allow the student to qualify for honors classes not for High Ability services (would need to wait for the identification process in 8th grade).