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6th Grade

6th Grade Scope & Sequence Overview

Sixth grade is an interesting year for students: they no longer stay with one teacher for the majority of their day; instead, they navigate between classes and teachers. This gives them experience with different teaching styles and methods for learning, and it allows them to experience new material in new ways.

Sixth grade classes cover a broad scope of material. In social studies, students are offered a look at geography, natural resources, and the history of various parts of the world. In math class, students learn about fractions, variables, properties of operations, and graphs. Language Arts class covers several novels and short stories, and students learn to compare and contrast ideas; additionally, they learn how to examine scripts to find overarching ideas. In Science class, students learn about energy, waves, ecology, motion, and the solar system.

For a more thorough look at class objectives, read through the documents below. 

6th Grade Scope & Sequence by Class