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Science Scope & Sequence Overview

Science is the backbone of trips into space and treks through the deep ocean; much of life as we know it is only possible because of science. Every astronaut, doctor, biologist, chemist, and engineer was once a high school student taking science classes.

In Chemistry, students learn about the chemical structure of compounds and molecules, including reactions. Biology introduces biochemistry and ecology, and, of course, cell structure. Students in Earth/Space science learn about the solar system, and Environmental Science class covers geology, biology, oceanography, meteorology, and climatology.

Some Science classes are ACP, which stands for Advance College Project. These classes, which are dual credit programs through Indiana University, award college credits when completed. Overall, our curriculum covers a wide array of subjects for students to learn about. To understand how and when ideas are being taught, read through the scope and sequence documents below.

Science Scope & Sequence by Class