Tech Education
Tech Education Scope & Sequence Overview
Technology paves the way for many of our favorite things, both online and offline. Whether it's building the next viral application or designing systems that control cars, technology is critical for cutting-edge development.
Students enrolled in our technology classes have access to the latest developments in the field. When you combine these courses with, for instance, a Psychology or Sociology class, you might just inspire students to build the next big thing--like TikTok.
We offer classes ranging from robotics to automobile servicing. Our Technology Education class family includes things like engineering, manufacturing, principles of construction, and more. Students interested in technology in any of its forms will certainly find something that interests them!
To learn more about the scope and sequence of these classes, read below.
Tech Education Scope & Sequence by Class
- Computer Science
- Construction Trade
- Intro to Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Manufacturing/Mechanics
- Principles of Auto Service
- Principles of Construction
- Principles of Industry 4.0
- Robotics
- Work-Based Learning