5th Grade
5th Grade Scope & Sequence Overview
Fifth-grade students are at the pinnacle of their elementary careers: it's their final year before venturing into the unknown world of middle school. By the end of the year, these students are ready and excited to continue.
In Reading class, students learn about summarizing, identifying context clues, figurative language, and visual (multimedia) representations. Math class offers subject matter like round decimals, estimating, adding and subtracting fractions and decimals, and multiplying mixed numbers; more advanced topics include volume, area, and polynomials. Students also begin to dabble in Algebraic concepts.
In Social Studies, students learn about latitude and longitude, the Age of Exploration, and the American colonies. They learn about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
When in Science class, students learn about engineering, as well as physical, Earth, life, and space science.
To view more information about the scope and sequence of these classes, read through the document below.
Note: the fifth-grade team opted to include all classes' scope and sequence in one document. You'll notice that this document outlines Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science, respectively.