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Scope & Sequence at an Elementary Level

Although our elementary students are young, they are also taught specific things at specific times. This helps bridge gaps between subjects or grade levels and encourages higher-level thinking. 

Teachers at the elementary level have crafted and tailored their curriculums to best match students' current level of learning and understanding. This fundamental understanding of student needs is necessary to ensure the proper level of rigor. 

What is rigor?

Rigor, in a classroom setting, refers to how difficult learning material is in relation to what students currently know--it refers to their toughness, or their desire to overcome obstacles and learn new or difficult concepts. For instance, if a teacher tried to teach complex geometry to a fifth grade student, the rigor would be too difficult. The student may try to learn this material for a time, but will quickly become overwhelmed. Over time, the student would become progressively more frustrated, and eventually quit trying to learn the material altogether. Teachers adjust their material to ensure this "burn out" doesn't happen.

"I can't do it."

Have you ever heard this statement? This sentence is spoken by children every day when they feel the rigor of a concept is just too tough. However, teachers are prepared for this! They've crafted lesson plans designed to help that statement transform into an entirely different statement:

"It's hard, but if I keep trying, I can do it. I know I can do this. I can't do it yet, but I can do it."

Do you see the difference? We want all children to succeed and the first step in that goal is assessing how our scope and sequence currently is, and whether or not it can be improved.