Scope & Sequence
Scope & Sequence Overview
"Scope and sequence" may sound like a complicated term, but it's fairly straightforward. To help you understand what classes here at TCSC actually cover, you can peruse the class's scope and sequence.
In the 2021-2022 school year, we issued a new challenge for our teachers: work together to create scope and sequence documentation for their class (or classes). This directive was intended to help shed some light on what curriculum is taught here and when.
We believe it will be beneficial for everyone to have a solid understanding of our practices.
What is Scope and Sequence?
Think of scope and sequence like an individual class's timeline. By looking at it, you can easily see what students are currently learning--you can also see what they learned previously, or what they'll learn next. The scope and sequence is an invaluable tool for you to familiarize with everything your child is learning here at TCSC.
Scope and sequence also help you visualize what standards are being taught (and when).
Indiana Academic Standards
Indiana has strict academic standards. Each subject in school covers materials that directly correspond to these standards. If you are interested in reading more about Indiana's standards, you can visit the IDOE website.