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Vocational / College

Vocational / College Courses

We offer both vocational and college courses for eligible students. Although these terms may seem similar, they do have slightly different meanings.

For those who may be unfamiliar with these terms, "vocational" courses refer to courses that prepare students for jobs. Finishing these courses may enable students to quickly find a job in their desired field while still attending trade school or further education, should they so desire. Trade schools typically offer more hands-on specialized instruction, such as carpentry, automechanics, or welding. 

Off-campus college courses, on the other hand, prepare students for the college experience. Certain classes may award students college credit if certain requirements are met--for instance, students may need to pass the AP exam (final) to receive credit. Colleges typically offer more of a variety of courses that begin with broad-level instruction. As students progress through the curriculum, classes become more specific to their degree path.

Vocational courses are offered at the Kokomo Career Center, while the college courses are offered at IUK and Ivy Tech Kokomo, respectively. Due to the nature of these courses, yearly offerings may differ, so check the Career Center website to view the latest changes.

Vocational / College Course Descriptions