Language Arts
Language Arts Courses
Language Arts courses are the key to effective communication, and we put that key in your student's hand. Students learn to write and speak in ways that allow them to convey thoughts and ideas--lessons that will stay with them through college and beyond.
Language Arts Course Descriptions
- Advance College Project (ACP) Composition & Speech (1124)
- Creative Writing (1092)
- Digital Media (1084)
- English 10 (1004)
- English 11 (1006)
- English 12 (1008)
- English 9 (1002)
- Film Literature (1034)
- Film Literature (1034)
- Genres of Literature (1036)
- Speech (1076)
Advance College Project (ACP) Composition & Speech (1124)
Advanced English/Language Arts, College Credit, is an advanced course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts in grades 11 and 12. This course title covers any English language and composition advanced course offered for credit by an accredited post-secondary institution through an adjunct agreement with a secondary school.
- Recommended Grade: 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: English 9 and English 10 or other literature, language, composition, and speech courses or teacher recommendation
- Credits: 1 semester course, 1 credit per semester. May be offered for successive semesters
- Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas
- Courses that use this title are most often those taught through the post-secondary campus, taught either online or in traditional settings or a combination; and/or taught by higher education faculty.
- Courses that use this title are those that do not meet specific high school standards for a corresponding high school course, as they are standards beyond what is taught in the high school.
Creative Writing (1092)
Creative Writing, a course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts, is a study and application of rhetorical writing strategies for prose and poetry. Using the writing process, students demonstrate a command of vocabulary, the nuances of language and vocabulary, English language conventions, an awareness of the audience, the purposes for writing, and the style of their own writing. Course can be offered in conjunction with a literature course, or schools may embed Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts reading standards within the curriculum.
- Recommended Grade: 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: English 9, English 10, or teacher recommendation
- Credits: 1 semester course, 1 credit per semester
- Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas
Digital Media (1084)
Digital Media, a course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts and Media Literacy Standards, is a study of media literacy and production skills. This course examines the impact of informational, narrative, and persuasive media on everyday life. This course will focus on changes in media and includes practice in broadcast journalism, audio/visual storytelling, multimedia storytelling, as well as different platforms such as online and social media.
Students will analyze local, national, and global media through the lens of law, ethics, and social responsibility. Students use course content to become knowledgeable consumers and producers of media. For the second credit: Students continue to develop media production skills in addition to continuing critical media analysis. By the end of the semester, students write and produce media projects.
- Recommended Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 1 or 2 semester course, 1 credit per semester. Second credit may be subtitled Advanced to allow for a successive semester of instruction at an advanced level. English/Language Arts credit (1084): Digital Media course work addresses the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts, credits accrued can be counted as part of the eight (8) required English/Language Arts credits for all diplomas.
- Counts as an elective for all diplomas
English 10 (1004)
English 10, an integrated English course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts in Grades 9- 10, is a study of language, literature, composition, and oral communication, focusing on literature with an appropriate level of complexity for this grade band. Students use literary interpretation, analysis, comparisons, and evaluation to read and respond to representative works of historical or cultural significance in classic and contemporary literature balanced with nonfiction.
Students write responses to literature, expository (informative) and argumentative/persuasive compositions, and sustained research assignments. Students deliver grade-appropriate oral presentations with attention to audience and purpose and access, analyze, and evaluate online information.
- Recommended Grade: 10, 11 Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: English 9 or teacher recommendation
- Credits: 2 semester course, 1 credit per semester
- Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas
English 11 (1006)
English 11, an integrated English course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts in Grades 11-12, is a study of language, literature, composition, and oral communication focusing on literature with an appropriate level of complexity for this grade band. Students use literary interpretation, analysis, comparisons, and evaluation to read and respond to representative works of historical or cultural significance appropriate in classic and contemporary literature balanced with nonfiction.
Students write narratives, responses to literature, academic essays (e.g. analytical, persuasive, expository, summary), and more sustained research assignments incorporating visual information in the form of pictures, graphs, charts and tables. Students write and deliver grade-appropriate multimedia presentations and access, analyze, and evaluate online information.
- Recommended Grade: 11
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: English 9 and English 10 or teacher recommendation
- Credits: 2 semester course, 1 credit per semester
- Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas
English 12 (1008)
English 12, an integrated English course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts for Grades 11- 12, is a study of language, literature, composition, and oral communication focusing on an exploration of point of view or perspective across a wide variety of genres. Students use literary interpretation, analysis, comparisons, and evaluation to read and respond to representative works of historical or cultural significance in classic and contemporary literature balanced with nonfiction.
Students write narratives, responses to literature, academic essays (e.g. analytical, persuasive, expository, summary), and more sustained research assignments incorporating visual information in the form of pictures, graphs, charts, and tables. Students write and deliver grade-appropriate multimedia presentations and access, analyze, and evaluate online information.
- Recommended Grade: 12
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: English 9, English 10, and English 11 or teacher recommendation
- Credits: 2 semester course, 1 credit per semester
- Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas
English 9 (1002)
English 9, an integrated English course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts in Grades 9-10, is a study of language, literature, composition, and oral communication, focusing on literature within an appropriate level of complexity for this grade band. Students use literary interpretation, analysis, comparisons, and evaluation to read and respond to representative works of historical or cultural significance in classic and contemporary literature balanced with nonfiction.
Students write responses to literature, expository (informative), narrative, and argumentative/persuasive compositions, and sustained research assignments. Students deliver grade-appropriate oral presentations with attention to audience and purpose and access, analyze, and evaluate online information.
- Recommended Grade: 9
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 2 semester course, 1 credit per semester
- Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas
Film Literature (1034)
Film Literature, a course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts, is a study of how literature is adapted for film or media and includes role playing as film directors for selected screen scenes. Students read about the history of film, the reflection or influence of film on the culture, and issues of interpretation, production and adaptation. Students examine the visual interpretation of literary techniques and auditory language in film and the limitations or special capacities of film versus text to present a literary work.
Students analyze how films portray the human condition and the roles of men and women and the various ethnic or cultural minorities in the past and present. Course can be offered in conjunction with a composition course, or schools may embed Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts writing standards within the curriculum.
- Recommended Grade: 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: English 9, English 10, or teacher recommendation
- Credits: 1 semester course, 1 credit per semester
- Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas
Film Literature (1034)
Film Literature, a course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts, is a study of how literature is adapted for film or media and includes role playing as film directors for selected screen scenes. Students read about the history of film, the reflection or influence of film on the culture, and issues of interpretation, production and adaptation.
Students examine the visual interpretation of literary techniques and auditory language in film and the limitations or special capacities of film versus text to present a literary work. Students analyze how films portray the human condition and the roles of men and women and the various ethnic or cultural minorities in the past and present. Course can be offered in conjunction with a composition course, or schools may embed Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts writing standards within curriculum.
- Recommended Grade: 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: English 9, English 10, or teacher recommendation
- Credits: 1 semester course, 1 credit per semester •Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas
Genres of Literature (1036)
Genres of Literature, a course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts, is a study of various literary genres, such as poetry, dramas, novels, short stories, biographies, journals, diaries, essays, and others. Students examine a set or sets of literary works written in different genres that address similar topics or themes.
Students analyze how each genre shapes literary understanding or experiences differently, how different genres enable or constrain the expression of ideas, how certain genres have had a stronger impact on the culture than others in different historical time periods, and what the most influential genres are in contemporary times. Course can be offered in conjunction with a composition course, or schools may embed Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts writing standards within the curriculum.
- Recommended Grade: 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: English 9, English 10, or teacher recommendation
- Credits: 1 or 2 semester course, 1 credit per semester
- Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas
Speech (1076)
Speech, a course based on the Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts, is the study and application of the basic principles and techniques of effective oral communication. Students deliver focused and coherent speeches that convey clear messages, using gestures, tone, and vocabulary appropriate to the audience and purpose.
Students deliver different types of oral and multimedia presentations, including viewpoint, instructional, demonstration, informative, persuasive, and impromptu. Students use the same Standard English conventions for oral speech that they use in their writing.
- Recommended Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 1 semester course, 1 credit per semester
- Fulfills an English/Language Arts requirement for all diplomas