Course Information
At TCSC, we're committed to providing each student with the course opportunities they'll need to succeed in any of our graduation pathways. As program needs change, class options will change as well--for instance, Agriculture-related classes are offered on a rotation. In other words, these classes alternate every other year.
Check this page often to see what classes are currently being offered!
About Honors Classes
According to the IDOE website:
"Schools may designate a course Honors when the course content is significantly more rigorous than the state-approved course. Honors level courses must be based on the IAS, have defined criteria for student admission to the course as well as clear expectations of student outcomes. Honors level courses must include a culminating Honors project that reflects understanding of High School Course Honors course content. The course description should reflect the Honors nature of the course, and course titles should include an “H” or the word “Honors” in the title."
About ACP Classes
Some of our classes are ACP, which stands for Advance College Project; they are considered college-level classes. ACP is a dual credit program through Indiana University.
About AP Classes
TCSC offers several AP--or Advanced Placement--classes. AP is a program of the College Board. You can read more about it here.
Current Course Offerings
- Agriculture
- Business
- Family & Consumer Science
- Fine Arts
- Health & PE
- Industrial Tech
- Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Vocational/College
- World Language