Health & PE
Health & PE Courses
Health and fitness courses provide ways for students to learn about their bodies and engage in fun, physically-demanding activities. Students can engage in several opportunities in this class cluster.
Health & PE Course Descriptions
- Advanced Health Education (3500)
- Health Education (3506)
- Physical Education 1 (3542)
- Physical Education II (3544)
Advanced Health Education (3500)
Advanced Health and Wellness, an elective course that is aligned to Indiana’s Academic Standards for Health and Wellness, provides advanced knowledge and skills to help students adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Through a variety of instructional strategies, students practice the development of functional advanced health information (essential concepts); determine personal values that support health behaviors; develop group norms that value a healthy lifestyle; develop the essential skills necessary to adopt, practice, and maintain healthenhancing behaviors.
Advanced Health and Wellness provides students with an in-depth study of promoting personal health and wellness, physical activity, healthy eating; promoting safety and preventing unintentional injury and violence; promoting mental and emotional health, tobacco, alcohol, and other drug-free lifestyles; and promoting human development and family health.
The scientific components of health and wellness, health issues and concerns, health risk appraisals, individual wellness plans, health promotion and health careers are expanded and explored within the context of the course. This course provides students with the advanced knowledge and skills of health and wellness core concepts, analyzing influences, accessing information, interpersonal communication, decision-making and goal-setting skills, health-enhancing behaviors, and health and wellness advocacy skills.
- Recommended Grade: 10, 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: Health and Wellness course
- Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 1 semester course, 1 credit per semester, 1 credit maximum
- Counts as an elective requirement for all diplomas
Health Education (3506)
Health and Wellness, a course based on Indiana’s Academic Standards for Health and Wellness and provides the basis to help students adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Health education should contribute directly to a student’s ability to successfully practice behaviors that protect and promote health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Through a variety of instructional strategies, students practice the development of functional health information (essential concepts); determine personal values that support health behaviors; develop group norms that value a healthy lifestyle; develop the essential skills necessary to adopt, practice, and maintain health-enhancing behaviors.
This course includes the application of priority areas in a planned, sequential, comprehensive health education curriculum. Priority areas include: promoting personal health and wellness, physical activity, and healthy eating; promoting safety and preventing unintentional injury and violence; promoting mental and emotional health, a tobaccofree lifestyle and an alcohol- and other drug-free lifestyle; and promoting human development and family health.
This course provides students with the knowledge and skills of health and wellness core concepts, analyzing influences, accessing information, interpersonal communication, decision-making and goal-setting skills, health-enhancing behaviors, and health and wellness advocacy skills.
- Recommended Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: none
- Recommended Prerequisites: 8th grade health education
- Credits: 1 semester course, 1 credit per semester, 1 credit maximum
- Fulfills the Health and Wellness requirement for all diploma types
Physical Education 1 (3542)
Physical Education I focuses on instructional strategies through a planned, sequential, and comprehensive physical education curriculum which provides students with opportunities to actively participate in at least four of the following: team sports; dual sport activities; individual physical activities; outdoor pursuits; self-defense and martial arts; aquatics; gymnastics; and dance, all of which are within the framework of the skills, knowledge and confidence needed by the student for a lifetime of healthful physical activity and fitness.
Ongoing assessment includes both written and performance-based skill evaluation. Individual assessments may be modified for individuals with disabilities, in addition to those with IEPs and 504 plans (e.g., chronic illnesses, temporary injuries, obesity, etc.). See 511 IAC 7-27-9, 7-27-11.
- Recommended Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: Grade 8 Physical Education
- Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 1 semester course, 1 credit per semester, 1 credit maximum
- Fulfills part of the Physical Education requirement for all diplomas
- Classes are co-educational unless the activity involves bodily contact or groupings based on an objective standard of individual performance developed and applied without regard to gender.
- Adapted physical education must be offered, as needed, in the least restricted environment and must be based upon an individual assessment.
- As a designated laboratory course, 25% of course time must be spent in activity.
Physical Education II (3544)
Physical Education II focuses on instructional strategies through a planned, sequential, and comprehensive physical education curriculum which provides students with opportunities to actively participate in four of the following areas that were not included in Physical Education I: team sports; dual sport activities; individual physical activities; outdoor pursuits; self-defense and martial arts; aquatics; gymnastics; and dance, all of which are within the framework of the skills, knowledge and confidence needed by the student for a lifetime of healthful physical activity and fitness.
Ongoing assessment includes both written and performance-based skill evaluation. Individual assessments may be modified for individuals with disabilities, in addition to those with IEPs and 504 plans (e.g., chronic illnesses, temporary injuries, obesity, etc.). See 511 IAC 7-27-9, 7-27-11.
- Recommended Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
- Required Prerequisites: Physical Education I
- Recommended Prerequisites: none
- Credits: 1 semester course, 1 credit per semester, 1 credit maximum
- Fulfills part of the Physical Education requirement for all diplomas
- Classes are co-educational unless the activity involves bodily contact or groupings based on an objective standard of individual performance developed and applied without regard to gender.
- Adapted physical education must be offered, as needed, in the least-restricted environment and must be based upon an individual assessment.
- As a designated laboratory course, 25% of course time must be spent in activity.